The super singer junior is a major singing show in Tamil Nadu which exhibits the talent of young children of age between 6 to 15. And the show also has a Super Singer senior which deals with the age group higher than 15 can participate in it. And now Super Singer is grading up to the next base and starting its voice hunt all over Tamil Nadu through Super Singer Junior 6.
The hunt for the best voice is what has given many lives a happy life to live and this reality show has made them shine in the film industry for past a decade.
Details of Super Singer 6 Junior
Judges – Shankar Mahadevan, K. S. Chithra, S. P. B. Charan and Kalpana
Host – MA KA PA Anandh and Priyanka
Timings – 7.00 PM on Saturdays and Sundays
Starting Date – 20th October 2018
Television broadcasting – Vijay TV
Super Singer 6 Junior Voting
The audience can vote for the contestants of Super Singer 6 Junior through Google Online Voting. To vote type “Super Singer Junior Vote or Super Singer Junior Voting” in Google. Now the contestants will be displayed and the voting can be made by logging through the Google account.
Also Read: Super Singer Season 6 Junior Voting Details | How to Vote
Now, if you are a singer then don’t miss this opportunity. Attend the auditions and grab the chance and you can shine with your voice all over. At present, there is no official declaration about the auditions date. But not more than a month it would take to start off with their voice hunt. So get prepared and make use of this opportunity.
Winners of the previous seasons
Season 1 – Krishnamoorthy
Season 2 – Alka Ajith
Season 3 – Aajeedh Khalique
Season 4 – Spoorthi
Season 5 – Prithika
They were the winners of the previous seasons and you can search their song videos and learn to develop your voice before you get into the audition.
Well, now only the promo for the show is being released in which Sankar Mahadevan is taking the role of a student and taking the promo to a higher level with his voice. And the new promo has reached more than 2 lakh views in the past few days. To be the next Sankar Mahadevan or Shreya Ghoshal practice high and give it a try and participate in the show once only if you can sing in Tamil.