The 63rd Kerala School Kalolsavam 2025 was inaugurated by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at the Central Stadium in a grand ceremony. More than 15,000 talented students have gathered to compete in 249 events across 25 venues, making this one of the largest cultural festivals in the state. The festival opened with a spectacular dance performance by 44 students. The high school section captivated the audience with a mesmerizing Mohiniyattam performance. In a touching tribute to resilience, students from Wayanad’s Vellarmala School, who survived a devastating landslide, participated in the festival with remarkable spirit. These young performers chose to present “Thakazhiyude Virathil” for their drama performance, showcasing their unwavering dedication to the arts despite facing adversity. The festival’s first day highlighted various classical and folk art forms. Higher secondary girls presented vibrant group dance and Oppana performances, while high school girls showcased the traditional Margamkali. This cultural extravaganza has become more than just a competition – it stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Kerala’s young talents. Here’s the comprehensive points table showing the remarkable performance of each district across different categories.
7th January 2025Rank | District | HS General | HSS General | Gold Cup Points | HS Arabic | HS Sanskrit |
1 | Kannur | 327 | 386 | 713 | 80 | 73 |
2 | Thrissur | 329 | 379 | 708 | 76 | 71 |
3 | Kozhikode | 329 | 379 | 708 | 80 | 73 |
4 | Palakkad | 322 | 380 | 702 | 73 | 75 |
5 | Malappuram | 313 | 368 | 681 | 78 | 75 |
6 | Kollam | 324 | 350 | 674 | 76 | 73 |
7 | Ernakulam | 315 | 356 | 671 | 80 | 65 |
8 | Alappuzha | 318 | 352 | 670 | 74 | 67 |
9 | Thiruvananthapuram | 304 | 364 | 668 | 76 | 60 |
10 | Kasaragod | 307 | 335 | 642 | 78 | 75 |
11 | Kottayam | 304 | 335 | 639 | 74 | 68 |
12 | Wayanad | 297 | 340 | 637 | 78 | 64 |
13 | Pathanamthitta | 281 | 315 | 596 | 54 | 63 |
14 | Idukki | 266 | 304 | 570 | 74 | 59 |
Kannur emerged as the overall champion with 215 Gold Cup points, closely followed by Thrissur with 214 points and Kozhikode with 213 points. The competition has become a vibrant celebration of Kerala’s rich cultural heritage, bringing together thousands of young artists from across the state. The festival showcases not only exceptional talents in traditional art forms but also highlights the resilience of participants like the Vellarmala School students, who continue to pursue their artistic passions despite facing significant challenges. The diverse range of competitions, from classical dance forms like Mohiniyattam to folk performances like Margamkali and Oppana, demonstrates the festival’s commitment to preserving Kerala’s cultural traditions. As the scores indicate, the competition has been fierce yet inspiring, with each district contributing significantly to the state’s artistic landscape through their performances in both High School and Higher Secondary categories.