**Veterans Day 2017** Quotes, Images, Pictures, Facts, Photos and Poems

Veterans Day is celebrated on 11th November 2017 which is observed as a federal holiday in the United States. The day is important in honoring the service of U.S. Armed Forces (military veterans). According to latest trends, Veterans Day is celebrated in Social Medias like Facebook and Twitter by sending and receiving wishes and messages. In this post, we provide you the best collection of Veterans Day 2017 Quotes, Images, Pictures, Facts, Photos and Poems here. Just save it on your PC or mobiles and send it to your friends and families.

Veterans Day 2017 Quotes

You can find the best quotes on Veterans Day 2017 where you can share it with your friends and families. Check out below.

Veterans Day quotes

Happy Veterans Day quotes. Happy Veterans Day 2017 quotes. Veteran day quotes. Thank you veterans day quotes. Quotes about veterans day. Veterans day quote.  Veterans day thank you quotes

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” – Dan Lipinski

“My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place–police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.” – Sidney Sheldon

“Not only have you protected our freedom to exist in a democratic society, but you have continued your service to the U.S. by sacrificing countless hours in your efforts to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Keep leaning forward in the foxhole!” – Cain Mathis, Kansas

“The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.” – Jeff Miller

Veterans Day 2017 images

We have collected the best and HD Veterans day 2017 images for you check out below.

Veterans Day images

Happy Veterans Day images. Happy Veterans Day 2017 images.

Veterans Day images
Veterans Day images
Veterans Day Image
Veterans Day 2017 Images
Veterans Day 2017 Images

Veterans Day 2017 pictures

Veterans Day is nearing and you can get the best collected pictures on Veterans here. Check out below.

Veterans Day pictures

Happy Veterans Day pictures. Happy Veterans Day 2017 pictures. Veterans day picture.  Veterans Day wallpapers.

Veterans Day pictures
Veterans Day pictures
Veterans Day Picture
Veterans Day Picture

Veterans Day 2017 Facts

Check out some important facts on Veterans Day here.

Veterans Day Facts

Facts about veterans day, Veterans day activities, and Veterans day sayings

* This word ”veterans “ is first used in 1789

* The idea of honoring veteran was brought by Raymond Weeks who served the country during Second World War.

* The use of an apostrophe is not supposed to be in Veterans Day, but still some of us write it as Veterans’ Day or Veteran’s Day.

* California State (nearly 1 million) has the highest number of military veterans than any state.

* In Year 2009, it was observed that, the average income for veterans was about $35,000

Veterans Day 2017 Photos

Get the best collection of Veterans Day photos and wallpapers below.

Veterans Day photos

Happy Veterans Day photos. Happy Veterans Day 2017 photos.

Veterans Day photos
Veterans Day photos
Veterans Day 2017 Photos
Veterans Day 2017 Photos

Veterans Day 2017 Poems

We are sharing some heart touching Veterans Day poems here. Save from below.

Veterans Day Poems

Happy Veterans Day poems. Happy Veterans Day 2017 poems.Veterans day songs:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]You’re My Hero
Without you this country wouldn’t be the same;
You fight and you battle
For our common name.
Your level of courage is oh so rare
You’re dedicated and faithful;
You’re always there.
You’re my hero,
My favorite soldier,
And I love you.
Come home soon!
‎Happy Veterans Day 2017[/perfectpullquote]

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Remember those we loved,
Who fought for us, and died;
And those we never knew
For whom others mourned and cried.[/perfectpullquote]

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]At home our “war” for freedom
Is sadly overdue;
Let’s respect them for their courage;
They’re ready to do what’s right
To keep America safe,
So we can sleep better at night.[/perfectpullquote]

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