Happy Cinco de Mayo 2015: So it’s time to celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2015. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated on 5th May 2015 in United States and Mexico. The day is important for Mexico which is remembered as the Mexican victory against French in the battle of Puebla on 5th May 1862. People in United States and Mexico celebrate Cinco de Mayo in different ways which includes Music concerts, dance shows, Parades, food etc.
Modern generation celebrates Cinco de Mayo through Social Medias by sending wishes and messages to friends and families. So here we provide you the best happy Cinco de Mayo 2015 wishes and messages here. So let’s check out the best collection of Cinco de Mayo 2015 images, quotes, pictures, facts, recipes and coloring pages below.
Cinco de Mayo 2015 images
We have collected the best cinco de mayo images for you. So check out some cool Happy Cinco de mayo 2015 images below.
Cinco de Mayo images. Funny Cinco de Mayo images. Happy cinco de mayo images.
Cinco de Mayo 2015 quotes
Are you searching for some great Cinco de Mayo Quotes 2015? You are on the right place and we are sharing the best and Happy Cinco de Mayo 2015 quotes below.
Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.
“Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for ‘the fifth of May’ and not ‘chug, chug, chug.’ Anyway, salud!”
“I’m not above using obscure Mexican battles to justify my drinking.”
“Let’s all wear sombreros and get drunk in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, even though we are American and have no idea what Cinco de Mayo is.”
“Is it really necessary to adopt another country’s holiday just to have an excuse to drink tequila? You don’t need one the other 364 days of the year.”
Cinco de Mayo 2015 pictures
Let’s check out the best collection of Cinco de Mayo pictures below. Send and share the best ones through social Medias like Facebook below.
Cinco de Mayo 2015 facts
Cinco de Mayo honors the Mexican army’s triumph over French forces at the Battle of Puebla in May 1862. It was a very unexpected victory by untrained, ill-equipped Mexican soldiers, over a disciplined, well-armed French army. France invaded Mexico in an attempt to secure repayment of money Mexico had borrowed.
Mexico did not defeat the French Army and force them to leave the country until 1867.
Cinco de Mayo 2015 wishes
Wishing on Cinco de Mayo is an important part of the celebrations. Let’s check out the best Cinco de Mayo 2015 wishes below.
Cinco de Mayo 2015 incoming search results
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